Isaiah 55:12

For you will go out in joy, and come back with peace; the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees in the fields will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Weekend in Jerusalem

View of Temple Mount 
This past weekend, Margaret and I participated in Nazareth Hospital's Staff Retreat.  It was it's seventh annual weekend of spiritual reflection, and was lead by the Hospital's CEO, Joseph Main.  It was extraordinary, in my books, to have invited the staff of the Hospital, doctors, nurses, and workers, etc., to join in this time.  I have not heard of a hospital in Canada doing such a thing. Joseph lead in a discussion of:  'How do I live as a Christian at Nazareth Hospital EMMS'.  His points were: You are not alone, You have a part to play in God's Plan, Your testimony is more powerful than you think.  As minority group in a multicultural society, no one can stop you telling your experience in Jesus, even though it is illegal in Israel for Christians to try to convert people to your religion.   Over 55 people made the trek to Bethany to stay two nights at the Sister's of Charity convent.   

West Bank Barrier in Bethany
The convent runs a guesthouse, one of the nuns explained, whose proceeds is used to help children who may be orphans or who have been victims of abuse, etc.  The Israeli barrier(a concrete wall 24 ft high, topped with barbed wire and electrified, backs the convent property.  At one time a nearby gate was used to access the West Bank, but as of late has not been opened, meaning a journey of an hour rather than a few minutes, to get to the same place. I was able to see the wall. People explained the difficulty of separation from family, friends, markets, and even their own farm land.  Being that Israel has placed the fenced beyond the Green line of 1967, they have effectively claimed almost 10 percent more for the state of Israel.  All this makes life difficult for the people of the West Bank, and is very irritating.

Garden of Gethsemene
During the weekend, there was some free time. On Saturday Margaret and I visited the Church of the Teardrop, where Jesus weep over the city of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives, and also the Church for all Nations which keeps the Garden of Gethsemane.  On Sunday afternoon, we were taken to the Damascus Gate, and walked through what is called the Arab Quarter to follow the nine stations of the Via Dolorosa, ending at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and then visited the Western Wall.  There are still many things to see and experience in Jerusalem.  We intend to get there again before returning to Canada!

The Western Wall
The day we were there, the Old City was busy with many tourists, and pilgrims visiting the Holy Sites, whether Christian, Jewish, or Muslim.  We should have been excited by all the spirituality, but actually we came away sad.  Jesus talked about people having no Shepherd, about the blind leading the blind, about being 'lost' or missing from His family, and the meal He has prepared.  I came away thinking, that while this experience was all very exciting, it made my heart ache that so many have missed the simple truth He talked about.  May we all have eyes for Him and His Glory, rather than any substitutes!

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